White Paper

Eliminate Seven Wastes From Your Quality Processes With Mobility For Leaner, More Efficient Operations

Source: Motorola

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White Paper: Eliminate Seven Wastes From Your Quality Processes With Mobility For Leaner, More Efficient Operations

By Motorola

While lean principles are well recognized and practiced on the production line to eliminate waste and cost, rarely are these same principles applied to quality operations. But the same lean best practices utilized to streamline manufacturing processes can also be leveraged to identify and eliminate wastes in order to streamline and error-proof the quality process.

The first step is identifying the areas of waste in the quality function — areas where a significant amount of time is spent on non-value add activities. Just as there are seven well-recognized areas of waste in manufacturing, we have also identified seven areas of waste in quality.

When quality workers are armed with a mobile computer: paperwork is eliminated; errors are reduced; and critical business data is visible in real-time. With when quality workers are empowered with mobility.

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White Paper: Eliminate Seven Wastes From Your Quality Processes With Mobility For Leaner, More Efficient Operations